Monday, April 09, 2007

There She Goes

I don't know why I was inspired to include this, but tonight I found myself playing a song I wrote for someone a few weeks before she moved away. In this weird time of perpetual, slow transition, I think about those times when I was very present...and I had to write about it.

There She Goes
I see my friend is leaving
Gone already, she is
For whatever I knew has left me
But where do I go from here?

I stand here, mixed and conflicted,
Wondering what it is that I did
Or didn't do
I ask my ocean for forgiveness
And there it sits, rolling.
Because I stopped walking,
Feeling a whole sky of emotion,
Feeling more of myself than ever,
And all the while becoming obsolete.

So here I stand, ripping inside,
Dropping memories to the sand,
And I let go,
Saying goodbye to my friend yet again,
And there she is.

I see my friend leaving
Gone already, she was
As I remember her when she loved me.
(but no more)
And my heart drains itself of all its love,
To paint the best picture of her I know
In this moment,
And there she goes.

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