Sunday, April 30, 2006

Taking a Sweeping Left Turn

This theater thing, I knew, would sort itself out somehow. Eventually I'd find something to work on (as a distraction?) and I'll slowly dip myself back in the pool. Here's where we're beginning to take a somewhat different course: I have two new little adventures.

First of all, my sisters chipped in and bought me a membership to eHarmony. Why? I don't know. Maybe they have hope for me? It's a novelty to all of my friends and co-workers, endless entertainment for those few who saw my matches. So this is day...three...I think, and I'm 24 matches into it, so we'll have to see where I am in six months when the subscription runs out. What have I had so far? As my favorite closer message goes, "I prefer not to say."

Now, the second adventure is much more harmless, but it may be pass/fail inside of a week. I bought a bus pass at work. Listen, it's only $10 and the Orange Line goes from a location two minutes north of my apartment (and one minute north of the new Starbucks that's being built) to half a block away from work. Are you serious? For $10 a month, someone can drive me to and from work? Okay, I do have to share with others, and I have a strong feeling it's not going to be yuppie/geek-ville with open laptops and ipods, but I'll keep an open mind. Anything beats sitting in traffic.

So this blog, which I'm going to quit writing any moment now, is going to at least update these two ongoing stories. With my luck and fate's sick sense of humor, I'll find love on the bus and will start commuting with someone I meet on eHarmony. Stay tuned.

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