"Just slap anything on when you see a blank canvas staring you in the face like some imbecile. You don't know how paralyzing that is, that stare of a blank canvas is, which says to the painter, ‘You can't do a thing’. The canvas has an idiotic stare and mesmerizes some painters so much that they turn into idiots themselves. Many painters are afraid in front of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real, passionate painter who dares and who has broken the spell of `you can't' once and for all." ~ Vincent Van Gogh
Oh, this is just a start. An experiment. Who am I and how did I get here? That kind of stuff.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The Gallery
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The Tide Comes In
"About a week and a half ago, we were in New York, and I was on the 9th floor, and was coming down the elevator of this hotel, and this woman steps into the elevator over on the 5th floor, or whatever, we were both going down...and she was this beautiful older woman, like, she was 75 or 80, and she was just so beautiful, and she stepped in...she was real...you know those people who have lived a great life and had this amazing face, like a life well-lived...and she stepped into the elevator. I said 'I like your jacket.' She said, 'You like my jacket?' I said, 'Yeah, your jacket's great. Beautiful coat.' She said 'Thanks...that's great that you noticed that coat.' And I said 'It's beautiful.' It was like, very long, so woolen, it was too big for her, it made her look real small. It was sweet. It was like one of those classic duffel coats now, with the two buttons, like Paddington Bear. She said 'it's great that you like my jacket, you know, this jacket is really important to me.' I was like 'It's great. It looks good on you.' And she said, 'You know, I bought this jacket, and when I bought this jacket, I decided I was gonna live my life. It's amazing, this jacket, isn't it?' I said 'It's beautiful.' We got down and I helped her with her suitcase and I brought her out to the taxi, and we were getting in the taxi, and she asks ' Well, what do you do, young man?' I said, 'Well, I'm in singer in a band.' 'What is it you play?' 'Oh, I don't know, kind of folky, I suppose.' She goes 'What are you called?' I told her our name, she never heard of us...I told her about the film, she never heard of it. And so I gave her my email, and she says, 'I'd like to come hear you play music...you know, I don't know if you noticed this coat on me, because, I'll tell you something...' She kind of welled up a bit, she got emotional. She says, 'I stayed in my house for two years in my pajamas and I ate nothing but cereal. I didn't go outside my house and I saw this jacket, and I said fuck it - I'm going to live my life.' And she was getting into the taxi and said 'I don't know why I'm telling you this.' She began...she welled up a bit. She says 'My son was in the fucking building.' And I was like 'Oh Jesus.' 'And he quit! He quit on the day before. He quit on the 10th of September, and he was going back in to get his stuff. I never spoke to him, I never managed to tell him I didn't want him to go in. I overslept, and I didn't speak with him. And I bought this coat. And you noticed it. Thank you for that.' I don't really know why I'm telling you that other than to say that it was lovely meeting this woman and it made me realize that sometimes we don't...the journey between your mind and your tongue can be so short and yet such a long distance when it comes to actually saying something that we're afraid to say to our others. So this song is about, I guess, just getting it off your chest, just...fuck...and actually, I can tell you, I don't know how the other person is going to react, but I'll tell you it's always a lot less than you think, and it's always...the weight off your shoulders is just insane. So I want to dedicate this to Lois in New York, and I hope she comes to that gig...she probably won't. It's called (If you have something to say) Say it To me Now." (Story by Glen Hansard, prefacing a song while tuning his guitar)
It's been a quiet weekend. Things tend to get out of the way now that work doesn't blanket fog over everything. An old friend pops up next to me, filling in the void left by others.
C: It is your 19,647th day on Earth. If you accomplish nothing else today, and it's okay if you don't, just think about the fact that you're a year away from 20k. I know you don't celebrate birthdays, but maybe that's something you should consider.
S: I had no idea you were keeping count.
C: Funny thing about that number; The only one that counts is today.
S: Makes me feel like I'm wasting the opportunity with this funk I've been in. I've tried to climb out of it, but...here, let me roll out the excuses. It's been hot. I haven't been feeling well, but it's probably due to the heat. I've felt disconnected from people. I need to lose weight. People are still bugging me regarding the job I had, and they're too lazy to actually look at my last posts about that job ending.
C: You know you can partially blame the fact that work isn't a good distraction for you, right? This pandemic has made everything harder, and the only people it's really benefiting are taking joy rides into space.
S: Yeah, I can rationalize all of this stuff and I've mostly been okay, but Friday was a combo that really threw me. I think I just need to get out of the house a little bit. I'm going to go out tomorrow.
C: I think that's a good idea. Remember how many things you were curious about? Things you wanted to learn about? What's your latest count of museums you've been to?
S: At least 13? I'm going to hope for the best and try to be present. I have to dig a little and see if there's anywhere else I need to go before things change.
C: Seems like you're ready to go back to work.
S: I think so.
C: AND it seems like you've finally let go of going back to your old job. You know, by choice as well as the fact that they don't respond to your messages.
S: Yeah, with time and a little perspective, I think I've come around to see that going back would be pretty terrible for my growth. Seems like the big studios are being opportunistic and making some big changes.
C: That's great, but...this isn't their story. It's yours. Let that chapter end, for you and for them.
S: Feels like a lot of things are ending now.
C: The curse of living a long, eventful life. (pause) I guess...if you meet enough people and do enough things, you'll find your share of goodbyes and heartbreak will be pretty significant.
S: I'll take it. (pause) The alternative is scary, you know? There are people out there who have been at the same job for 30 years, started a family early, so committed to that early, and nothing ever happens to them. Safe, safe, safe. Boring, I think.
C: Do you actually think there's a route that doesn't involve as much sacrifice? Somewhere things balance out, either sooner or later.
S: Listen, I don't have any regrets. On a daily basis I look at the things around me and wonder what other things I've sacrificed to have them. I just look at the wall of fame where I have a bunch of my big accomplishments on it, and I know that's all me. I don't question myself or worry about my longevity in a committed relationship, because...well, I'm sure you know that history isn't kind in that respect. I haven't been in a relationship yet that didn't show me the exit door the whole time.
C: Sounds like a classic coming of age supervillain story. Except it's more...like a coming of middle age story. Is this what they call a middle age crisis?
S: Oh no, is that what this is? I didn't think that was a thing any more.
C: I don't think so. It's just pandemic blues. You would otherwise have work to focus on and would be okay.
S: Middle age crisis.
C: Hey - for what it's worth, the middle ages handed off to the Renaissance. You more than likely have some great years ahead of you.
S: More than likely? You think I'll be able to create an iconic piece of art that will make me immortal?
C: (checking Google) Leonardo Da Vinci began four years of work on the Mona Lisa when he was 51. Michelangelo was 72 when he was given the job of buidling/designing St. Peter's Basilica. Do I need to go on? Colonel Sanders? Reagan and Schwartzenegger switching from acting to politics? Bram Stoker and Laura Ingalls Wilder-
S: Okay, enough of google. I get it. Can I just have a moment to sulk in this funk?
C: Sure, sure, but maybe you should consider mentioning that to your doctor. Maybe it'll help.
S: Or maybe it'll just pass.
C: Maybe. It could also last a long time, too, so do something, either way.
S: I will.
The void is familiar, almost friendly if not indifferent. It feels like the ocean washing over the beach, like the distant view of the city from thousands of feet above, like every instagram photo of someone showing you how insanely they're living their best life. This is what it feels to sit at the edge of the observable universe and wonder what else is out there.
It is, obviously, whatever I make of it from here on. I just have to remember to keep recycling my thoughts and intentions, or else just go to sleep and hope that dreams are satisfying enough.
Fuck it - I'm going to live my life.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Bold as Love
Everyone who talks about independence and brags about it on social media is lying to you. I can't help seeing the brag as a beacon for validation, because the truth about independence is that it's a grind. To be your only liability, to make plans for yourself and indulge in your whims, to give all of yourself to what you do, guarantees that somewhere along the line people will detach and move past while they create their lives, build families, and maintain close friends. Your importance and relevance is fleeting; What brings us together - the common things we work for, be they art or work - is temporary and has a short memory.
I'll give you a moment to wipe some of the deep cynicism from your eyes. I know I sound a little bitter. There are reasons. Here's a blank space to bleach that opening a bit.
[this space left intentionally free from negative thoughts]
Throughout the long written history of my life that I have managed to keep in various versions of this journal, I have exercised curiosity and hope, turning over the topsoil and evolving with time, and trying to make sense of the windy path that I've been on. When I began, I was fresh out of high school with a crush on a cheerleader and a love for playing music. The love for music was suffocated by music teachers who grounded the process to a halt (only one had a love for expression). I gave up; It was a wash. I then pursued theater, and the journal followed me as I started to carve my own path. Little did I know that the habit of finding my own way would apply to everything: my artistic life, my work, my relationships.
Now I am in my 50s, both parents gone and with a chapter of my career now behind me, gone are hundreds of people who mostly don't know who I am any more or how I'm doing now. They're living new stories as they build on the foundation left behind. Now I have moments where I'm nobody to a lot of people, and I won't allow myself a single moment to reminisce about the good old days. That's not who I am, and those memories are only useful to stick on the huge door that continues to be closed.
It's a really good thing that I've been here before, having left a theater company I gave all of myself to and a job that funded it all. The span of 2007-2008 was a year spent in depression, self discovery, and a little confusion over what direction I was headed in. It was a pause before the next overture began, and what followed was an intense 12 years that built up a crescendo and then fell to silence. I have been here before. I have been someone, and then nobody, only to become someone new. I'm back to being nobody, hidden in this apartment watching the calendar days flip away as meaningful as the previous day. Saturdays are no different than Wednesdays, and holidays just come and go without any fanfare, with a few tone deaf people still focused on long weekends (what are those?) and complaining about work.
When I get into these depressed ruts, I immediately get restless and find myself working hard to climb out. I try to look for the silver lining - are there are many - and help myself understand the unique situation I'm in. There are things I have to revisit in order to forget: the connections I had with people when I obsessed about the work and getting it right, the speculative promises to keep me in mind and bring me back into the fold, the struggle to get from week to week when I was working while trying to keep a failing relationship afloat, the feeling that sometimes the only validation I received was from the artists who were benefiting from my hustle. I also have to understand the perception that for the most part, I believe people are just waiting to see how I'm going to land and evolve, and that's a super interesting pattern I can't ignore.
For a long time, I have referred to the exponential pattern of me taking leadership roles and expanding the scope every few years. It began with college theater, where I took on the publicity department and acting as president of the dramatic society. I was the go-to person for all things theater related. I left there and a few years later, I joined Playhouse West and became not only the technical and managing director that kept the theater company going, but also became a prolific director. I left there and went to Universal to run the entertainment program, produce events, and manage artists. Now that I feel that part is truly over, I have to trust that something new will come along. As before, I have to know that nobody but me will see potential. I also have to know that wherever I land, not everyone will be a fan and people may resist whatever I do. I used to push back or hate defeat. I'm older and wiser now. I think I've learned how to work on the big things - being in the spotlight under the pressure - and the little things - exercising a short memory and understanding how to give trust and reclaim it. It's a work in progress.
Today I got a message that a friend of mine had died a couple of days ago. He had a difficult life after a debilitating accident, but when our paths crossed he uniquely challenged and then championed me. Through that experience I've had some lifelong friends and some amazing memories, but damn. It makes me think about the quality of my life, and what things should matter. I get caught up in disappointing moments, especially lately, and I have to allow myself the moment to feel let down. I have to really, consciously, act on letting go, regardless of what happens. Do people even realize the effect of what they do or don't do? Do they realize the message they sometimes send to me, while protecting themselves? I wanted this life, where I could be isolated and in control of my own happiness. I can't let flawed interactions spoil that.
My father was very angry towards the end of his life, holding grudges about what seemed like unimportant things. I told him many times "there's no time to invest in things like this; We might not have a lot of time left." While my father was entitled to his perception of things, my friend had every reason to be angry but didn't spend a lot of time entertaining it. He was an avid competitive diver and then suddenly he lost it all after the accident. He couldn't move his arms or legs, he couldn't breathe on his own. Think about Christopher Reeves' situation. My friend was still committed to being positive and a good friend to all. He wasn't a guy who used to do things. He was still someone to be considered, someone who could affect lives, someone who was inspired and supportive.
And so it goes, on a day that I had plans that left me waiting and then abandoned, I had time to think about it all and hope for perspective. What was the life I've had to this point? Am I anywhere close to giving up? I spent part of the day upset, disappointed, feeling a mixture of emotions that made the afternoon feel like quicksand. I waited for hours for the day to right itself, for a distraction that was supposed to come. And then I went to a familiar place. I had to fix it myself, and let go of any conspiracy to cripple my ability to cope.
I got dressed, motivated, and left the house to begin a new program that would train me to eventually run a 5k. I haven't run any distance on a treadmill in two years, and haven't run outside in maybe five. I started something new, because I can't hold on to anger or feelings of resentment. They're too heavy, and whatever inspires them is too temporary.
I may be an option for some people, a useful but discarded utility, a person whose feelings never have to be considered, but I am my best option. I can never go wrong with taking care of myself. Now that I have more days behind me than I have ahead of me, I have to value this life I have the responsibility of curating. If not me, then who's going to do it? Who's going to consistently step up and pick me up, surprise me, help me before I think of asking for it?
I'm still here. I'm still important, and valuable. I still have stories to tell and great things to do. Enjoy your intermission while it lasts, because I'm waking up with purpose tomorrow.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
We Can Be Royals
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Sanity Checks & Balances
It has now been just over a year since I heard "Have a good quarantine!" echoing towards me in the parking lot at work, and I assumed - as I always do - that things would work out somehow. I kept things positive and optimistic for the sake of the team, and even when I got the end of employment news on my birthday, no panic set in. I had been through layoffs, but somehow this one felt like a pause. My boss at the time talked about the potential for a return, something he'd repeat a few times in 2020, but never even insinuated in 2021, as he quietly replaced me while Spring started to stretch and wake up, wondering what the hell happened to the world.
It's not lost on me that I've had attachments to places before, that I have seen endings put memories in storage to make room for new fantastic things. I think about my ex-girlfriend of 1992, whose arrival brought about a needed end to my college theater days. I hear music from my Playhouse years, and instantly I go back to the dusty, broken theaters that we packed despite janky lighting systems (in one theater we had dimmer switches and painted coffee cans with light bulbs in them). It's fitting that the last song ever played in one of my productions was "It's All In Your Mind" by Beck, but even though I left behind what I think is a legacy - a theater company and a website where there was none before - my time spent there was erased so I could evolve and grow at Universal. Now that's gone, too.
People ask me how I am, how I'm getting along during the pandemic, and usually I just say that I'm managing my time well with a daily routine and trying to keep myself busy and engaged. That's the logical answer, you know, the one they want to hear. I mean, the truth is that I'm mostly doing fine. I have lots more good days than I have bad days. When I have a bad day - really a bad moment here and there - there is no escape from some harsh realities, and they seem to be waiting on my pillow at night, which is why I'm writing this at 3am. No, I'm not having a moment right now. I'm just looking at the thoughts in the shadows and calling them out, kind of like talking out loud to ghosts I'm convinced are there.
The umbrella emotional state is that I constantly miss my parents. A few times a week, I'll light candles in what would amount to be a shrine, and before I go to bed, I talk to them just like the days when I'd go to their bedroom and talk to both of them in the relative darkness, the room only lit by the light in the hallway. I'd split my broken spanish with some english so both of them felt included, and then I would say good night to both of them. Hasta mañana si dios quiere. Good night old buddy. It became the ritual of me tucking them in the way they used to do with me. So I talk to them now, and I get misty eyed every time, and then I hear my mom say "don't be sad - we're fine. Be happy."
I also sometimes wrestle with the thought that the world - even the bubbles I used to be part of - continues moving, erasing history and constantly improving what's to come. That's a poetic way of saying that I assume that people forget about me when I'm gone, that my importance was only defined by the stages I represented, be it theater or music. While it wasn't true about my theater days, I think that looking at the Universal glory days as a forgotten history will help me move on, and will help the team work the problems ahead of them. I don't know what to say about the artists, but they have been resourceful and some have reinvented themselves.
In response to some of these thoughts, I have stayed off social media, at least browsing or looking at messages. I want people to thrive during this pandemic, but some just seem obsessed with being extra at a time when I'm even less impressed or inspired by faux glamour in posts. Some of them don't even realize that while they preach messages of simplicity and humility, the posts they make are exactly the opposite. I don't make any proclamations and do what I've always done; I just let my actions tell the story, or let others speak on my behalf. It's too much right now. I have spent a year in mourning over various aspects of my life. I don't need to see extra right now. I never did, actually, and those who bragged about all of the things they got and the attention they were basking in were actually hurt in the booking process. I always leaned towards the more hungry and humble artists, because I wasn't feeding their ego.
I talk to my sister multiple times a week for at least an hour each time. I have a friend who checks in almost daily despite her unfathomable burden with her health issues. My gaming friends have dropped down to one that I'll play a game with once or twice a week. I think that my old team has also noticed I've stopped responding to group messages, because they need to focus on new relationships and let go of hope that I'll return. This isolation has deafened me a bit to other conversations, and I know that some people are waiting for me to emerge somewhere fresh and evolve again, but I feel like I've run out of inspiration. The industry is still waiting for opportunity. I have friends who have applied to everything for the past five months and haven't gotten anywhere.
So how am I doing? Good question. I don't know the answer. It might be too early in the morning, or late at night, to know 100% how I'm doing, or even come up with an answer other than a list of what I'm doing day-to-day. Other than a general sense of mourning, I think I'm missing purpose, and I know I'm missing exposure to inspiration. Thank God I went to New York a few times in 2019. I'm dying to go to a museum. I miss my 10,000 steps a day when I could walk and talk to different people. I really miss my 17,000 steps a day when I had entertainment to watch over.
What in the world is ahead of me? If the pattern holds - college theater, then Playhouse West, then Universal Studios - I'm going towards something bigger. I mean, I don't want to sound greedy. So many people have that one time in their life that they did big things, and then they settle down. But I never settled down, even when I wanted to. For one reason or another, I felt the greater pull to purpose and contribution. I felt like career was meant for me to light fireworks over. I'm still in the best times of my life, though it's in a bit of a blind spot right now.
I am going to allow myself to mourn the losses, to feel the sadness and loneliness that have become roommates, but pay no rent. Will it matter in the end if I'm gone? Probably not, because people have their own lives to maintain. Will the days I have until then matter? Judging by how much I'm aching to get my hands dirty again and obsess about this next chapter, it'll make a difference. The days, the new memories, the work will matter, and then someday I'll be an afterthought, a story about someone who cared when nobody had to. Did I ever become famous? No. But did I create things that affected people, did I help creative people do things they never thought they could do? That will be my lasting contribution.
Age has crept up on me during this pandemic, grey hairs mingling and muscles straining as I work harder on my health. Yes, part of me has thought about the what ifs. What if this is it? Did I live a good life? I've lived a few good lives. Did I make my parents proud? Did I fulfill their American dream? I think so. I'm not completely sure.
But I'm here, now, sitting on my bed emptying my brain so I can get a good night's rest. A year from now I'll look back on this and will wonder why I was so worried about the future with nothing on my plate. The bridge from here to there should begin with gratitude and perseverance. I once wrote while having an epiphany, that "gone are the days when I was neither here nor there, nor anywhere between the two."
I look forward to figuring it all out.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
2021 - Dawn of a new day
I love the ironic optimism at the beginning of last year, where I acknowledged a difficult road ahead but still believed I could survive and thrive through whatever was thrown my way. I really did begin the year with some momentum and promise; Cut to me walking off property in mid-March with my team at the end of the day, and hearing one of them yell to me "Happy quarantine!" The place was already deserted by the time we left, and even more so when we returned in mid-June. By the middle of summer, weekends felt busy again.
Multiple waves of layoffs later (5 or 6? - the latest just happened this month!) we have no idea what to expect and the job market is still pretty barren. Rumor has it that some theme parks are opening in March. Reality has me looking at the stuff I can control.
Let's look at this year's goals, following the same format as previous years. I know it's March, but in reality the first two months haven't contributed much, at least locally.
Things to do
- Work out 6 days a week, minimum - Gyms closed last year, so I had to figure out how to stay in shape at home. Yes, I went through multiple types of workouts at different times of day, essentially planning my day like an astronaut on a long journey to another planet, but eventually the conundrum was a matter of finding a day to take a break. In hindsight, I should have been more specific as far as what kind of shape I wanted to be in because I'm heavy right now, but this is something I want to keep figuring out.
- Sleep at least 7 hours a night - With little more on my agenda in 2020 than surviving 2020, I was able to catch up on years of sleep. Now the trick is to stay consistent and stay committed to banking those hours each night, and to prep for sleep to make sure that I'm setting myself up the best way. I know this is another recurring goal, but it's still something I need to focus on.
- Cross that career/job finish line intelligently - The biggest riddle of 2021 is whether to return to Universal once things open up again or find a new job. Part of me doesn't want to lose all of the progress and things I've built at Universal, and I want to help all of the artists who were paused last year. Another part of me sees the value in going somewhere else and becoming more, the way I have before. True to my Libra symbol, I have to balance the best of both and make educated moves.
- Do not let a day go undervalued - I have three affirmations that pop up as reminders on my phone every day, and I do my best to say them out loud, but I have to go one step further. I need to create a habit either every night or every following morning of calling out specific things from the day before that I'm grateful for. It could be just things that I was able to accomplish, or things I learned, but more than ever I need to understand that each day counts.
- Study music theory - I started the study but ran into obstacles and distractions, even talked myself out of it considering I didn't know what my future would hold. After a few conversations with artists, I realize that this creative world is always going to be with me, so I need to pick up that study again. I loved what I learned so far, even if it just refreshed what I studied in college. It's time to pick it up again.
Things to have
- A passport - This is a running joke, year to year, but honestly I'm running out of things that I actually want/need to have. I got a lot of key stuff in the past year and still managed to pay bills. But the passport...I do feel like it's going to have a butterfly effect once we're able to travel. It really has become the holy grail of possessions, and I haven't needed it since our trips to Europe and Argentina. Where would I go first, if money wasn't an issue, and the virus was completely gone? $175 is apparently the gateway price.
- The new smart car stereo - Now that River is completely paid off, there are only a couple of issues to deal with, and this one cosmetic/functional change. I don't know how long my work commute is going to be for the second half of the year, but I may make this my welcome back to work present. $500 or so.
Things to be
- Extra vigilant with my health - I began the pandemic with the concept that, for the long run, I'd have to approach this like a lone traveller on a long trip, like a sailor or astronaut. Astronauts even have to deal with no discernible difference between day and night, and over the past 12 months, I've noticed that there's not a lot of difference between weekends and weekdays, except for the fact that trash pickup is on Thursdays and there's no mail on Sundays. What I started then and have experimented with is something I still have to work on: the daily health routine. Every day I have boxes to check off boxes for tracking food, water intake, exercise minutes, etc. There's nothing better than seeing everything checked off for the day, and I have to stay committed to it.
- Open to change - As married as I am to the romantic concept of returning to my old job and trailblazing a new dawn for everything up there, I have to be open to being reborn and redefined in a new job, even if it feels small at first. I've done it before. I can do it again. I also have to remember that the job I ended up with was not the job I was given, so anything is possible, even in a new city.
- Available to others - I have understandably been somewhat isolated, hiding in this cocoon where evolution is super slow and self-survival has slowed down to preserve energy. Other people are stuck in the same place, though, and we all still see each other as we were last defined, and that means that this optimistic, productive, positive spin I'm trying to work on may still be useful to the people I've worked with in the past. I can't hide from them. I also may not have any answers for them, but maybe together we can figure some things out.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Goal Review: Hindsight is 2020
Approaching a review of my goals from last year, I think it was assumed that everything would be a wash. For seven months in 2020 I spent most of my time inside my apartment, only going out to forage at supermarkets for groceries and only 2-3 long drives for some escapism. So before I take on my goals for this year - mind you, it’s almost February but it feels like 2021 only started on the 20th - I want to look at what my intentions were back when I was naive and hopeful for a great year. Yes, things were breaking down economically and everything seemed fragile already, but I still had hope that I could get ahead of things and affect change. I was ready to abandon what was known and trailblaze.
Let’s recap intentions versus reality.
Things to do
- Work out 5 times a week, minimum - Once I realized that my gym membership wasn’t going to amount to anything, I looked for other options and found a whole community working out in VR. I started as usual working out 3-4 days a week, then eventually went up to 6-7 days a week. Mission accomplished.
- Sleep 7 hours a night - Once I stayed indoors, this was fixed right away, and I went on unbelievable streaks of 7-8 hour nights of sleep, which improved everything. Who knew?
- Reserve a deep clean day 1x/month - So, I did a couple of deep cleans on my apartment, which was amazing, but I never left the place, so naturally some clutter started to happen as I ordered things from Amazon and had to make some living adjustments. A deep clean is overdue - I feel like there’s 2020 residue in the apartment.
- Take a vacation - I had planned on going to Nashville, looked up tickets and lodging, but as it turns out my only vacation was a weekend in Big Bear the weekend after my birthday (and the day was laid off). It still counts.
- Doctor Up - With hospitals overrun by COVID patients, I stayed away from doctors for the most part but I did take care of some big things in 2020. That was important. I also made it a habit of tracking my weight, temperature, blood pressure, and other things almost daily. I might even be healthier now, in quarantine, than I was during normal times.
- Finish the book – With the future in doubt, I have wondered sometimes how valuable this book would be. It’s still there, and I organized a lot to keep it in mind.
- Meditate twice a week – While I was employed, I did the meditation twice a week, but once I was on my own, in my own space, it completely went away.
Things to have
A passport - Still nothing on this. How many years have I had this on my list? Also, did it make sense to get a passport with borders closed? Nope!
- A new personal laptop - A lot has changed with this one. In a year when I could ONLY work through my work laptop remotely, I not only finally got a macbook, I also got a gaming PC laptop! And then I turned the work laptop in, but getting TWO laptops this year was a huge win.
Things to be
- Attentive & patient - This was tested a lot with the team, but when I had a few sessions with performers, especially remote ones, I found that active listening was an exercise in learning.
- More aggressive with career - So much to think about this one. Career stopped, industry shut down. Severance builds a bridge, but to what? As far as 2020 goes, this was checked and paused.
- Open to changing my status - Age and isolation are really playing tricks on me here. If I could say at the beginning of 2020 that I was used to being alone and liked it, what followed tested that theory, and my reaction is still mixed. I like not having to answer to or change for anyone, but at the same time this isolation is definitely affecting my mental health.
- A selfless and inclusive independence - I have done everything I could to be there for people during this time, even those I don’t know well. It hasn’t been easy because I’ve struggled too and haven’t asked for help, but I still follow my instincts.
- My health
- My family is still safe and my mother was able to pass before COVID arrived
- 12 years of work with the company has kept me safe in a severance cocoon, especially factoring in the fact that I never took vacation. That payout was also generous.
- It was also a year of an important, quiet purge of people who not only weren't contributing to my life, they were also not contributing to reality. Or society.
- Out of the 12 months, I worked for five on property and was paid for ten.
- My car was paid off. As were two other things.
- The world of virtual reality saved my sanity. Thank you, Oculus.
- I made it to 2021.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Keeper of the Estate
Before I share goals for the year (honestly, I haven't worked on them yet), I wanted to share some of the letter I wrote to all of the performers I worked with at Universal. When I think about my future, I can't help but obsess about everything I was able to build for these musicians and performers. I know that as soon as the pandemic hit, they were all put on pause. Their lives would be tested just like hundreds of actors I saw back in my theater days, and they would be forced to choose between holding on to what they love to do or abandoning it completely for a different kind of survival. Just as I had always watched over their love for what they can do, or even their curiosity in it, during this past year I've felt responsible for them. I gave them a home, brought them opportunity, and watched over them, basically pulling most of them out of whatever state I found them in and redefined as much as I could to make sure they had room to grow.
It reminds me of Marchan, the performer we lost in spring of 2016. My relationship with her is part of that same DNA. She and I had a misunderstanding months before, when she felt I wasn't booking her on purpose. I have always been so ready to lose performers - especially the really humble and hardworking ones - to their own success, and I understood that she wasn't available to perform. She said she never mentioned that, and when we cleared that up, I booked her to open for a favorite band of hers on the big stage. It was her last time we had footage of her performing.
For a long time after her funeral, I felt so guilty for bringing her into this place where she felt safe to be herself, and even though it was a miscommunication between us, for taking her out of it. Were things fixed? I feel like we fully reconciled. I still wasted valuable months (two, I think) where she could have been doing what she loved to do. Sure, she started working on a music video and other projects, so she used the time well. It still tested my connection to the performers. I could either maintain a further distance or make a stronger connection as their champion.
After a year of horrible change and adjustment, I started working on a stronger connection with all of the performers.
Just before the pandemic hit, I started making arrangements to take back the booking and oversight of the performers from my team. I had given them the program to run to justify their hours, but we carved a new role for the team, and it was time for me to take the performers back. First, all entertainment was stopped in April, then after a few attempts to plan, I went on furlough in August. Then the layoffs happened in October. The response on social media to the layoff was incredible from all of the performers, both current and past, and I took some time to let things sink in.
Knowing what my departure meant to the performers, I felt like I wanted to give them some hope and direction for the future with a note during the holidays. Here's part of what I wrote:
Goodbye 2020
It’s been a while. I’ve been meaning to write to you guys, but there have been so many changes, including (as you may have seen) my departure from USH following the huge layoffs of October. I was notified on my birthday, of all days! I had a few weeks to let that sink in, and then I had to clear out my desk, and almost immediately lost access to my email and other things on the network. 12 years came to a full stop, and even when I heard that people are safely predicting a 2022 reopening, I was skeptical. Is opening up in a year and a half realistic? Honestly, I believe we’ll start seeing signs of life in a few months. Yes, our city is being careless, reckless, and dumb when it comes to following guidelines, and those numbers are ridiculous, but once we get to January, there won’t be occasions for people to gather, no reasons to go out in an army to do last minute shopping. Everyone can stay home the way we did back in Spring. I have hope.
I then speculated a little about what my plans were, and what the future held for me. I knew people would ask, so I had to address it. I basically said that Plan A would be to return to Universal, and Plan B would be to land somewhere that would benefit the performers and potentially Universal as well, where I could potentially bring some business back to them. That part of the note was brief. I wanted to put the attention back on them, talking as a fellow creative. I continued:
Obviously I’m still thinking about you guys all the time, and hope that you - just like me - have had to balance physical and mental health while looking for creative outlets. I’ve been obsessed with TikTok (some of you are already having some success on there, but all of you should be on it), YouTube, and Oculus Quest. I’ve cried during the Mandalorian multiple times and caught up on a bunch of the trending documentaries. I bought a great gaming laptop, a MacBook, a really nice 360/180 3D camera, and have guested on a podcast about ghost stories. I’m playing guitar again and studying music theory going back through the basics.
It doesn’t matter how busy I’ve been able to keep myself, I still can’t help thinking about how much I miss seeing you perform in person. I want you to come out of this evolved, stronger, ready to NOT go back to what we used to do, but rather to create something for a new world. That’s what we’re approaching. There’s been so much talk about getting back to normal and I couldn’t less interested in going backwards. I want all of us to mix the joy of getting to do what we love to do again with embracing new ways to do it. We were working on it before this whole thing shut down, and all I want for 2021 is for us to pick that up and go forward, become new again, and do things that have never been done before. I believe you’re still that discovery that people need to find, especially at a time when people are looking for hope. Forget political affiliations or beliefs; there are some common things that all people need and the arts reflect all of them.
Thank you for still inspiring me, for posting about what you do, and growing as artists in your own space. Thank you for making 2020 bearable and important, and for getting through to the end of it so we can all see some light in the new year together. I hope your holidays are wonderful and that you’re able to stay safe and healthy. I will keep you updated on any developments. In the meantime, if there’s anything you need, you know how to reach me (just don’t try to email me at work, because…well, obviously that won’t work).
And goodbye 2020. If Newton’s Third Law of Motion can weigh in here, saying that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, I would love it if the next year and years to follow make up for the years that led us up to here. We can only hope it’s true, but maybe that depends on us to lead the way. Believe, friends. I think we can do it.
Maybe 10-15 of the 40 or so people I sent this to responded, but I hope it got to everyone, so they could see that the past year has been useful, that it counts towards the future. For me, writing that note to them was the purging of all of the doubts I had for the year, and remixing it for hope. Even now, in mid-January, things have only gotten worse, but my mom always reminded me how each new day was a chance to be better than the day before.
It's hard to really imagine a happy new year, especially in 2021. Again and for always, it's my least favorite holiday.
I can imagine a happy new day, though. It will always take some practice to get it right.